About Hyperthyroidism

I’ve heard of doctors giving patients just enough thyroid so that the test results barely creep into the “normal” range, even though the patient is still exhibiting many hypothyroid symptoms. That is unacceptable treatment. A person deserves to feel well. more...

Hypothyroid Symptoms

The manifestations of hypothyroidism in children are a little different than in adults. Sometimes the problems are not apparent until they are teenagers, where there is the greatest demand for thyroid. Eg, PMS, school problems, mood swings, and drug or alcohol abuse may appear at puberty. more...

Soy Foods and the Impact on your Thyroid

Dr. Fitzpatrick makes it clear that soy products can have a detrimental affect on both adults and infants. He firmly believes that soy formula manufacturers should remove the isoflavones (that part of the soy products that act as anti-thyroid agents) from their products. more...

Liver-Gallbladder Flush

It is very important that the flow of bile from the liver to the gallbladder and then to the intestines is not obstructed. There are several liver flushes that can clean out the liver ducts and gallbladder. Most use lemon juice and olive oil taken just before bedtime. more...

About Liver Health

If your liver is not removing toxins fast enough, then the toxins will accumulate in the body and this may result in fatigue, aches and pains, difficulty concentrating, and other neurological complaints, skin problems, headaches, autoimmune disorders and overall poor health. more...

Intestinal Health and MSG

Reactions to MSG include rapid heartbeat, depression, migraine headaches, nausea and vomiting, hives, rashes, asthma, and seizures, panic attacks, vision problems, rapid changes in blood pressure, partial paralysis, extreme dryness of the mouth, loss of balance, joint pain, swelling of prostate, bedwetting, behavioral problems in children, Attention Deficit Disorders, lethargy, sleepiness, insomnia. more...

Thyroid Basics

Although a few people with dysbiosis have too much thyroid hormone, usually the opposite is true. People with dysbiosis often need more thyroid hormone. In the latter case, taking a supplement of thyroid hormone can help them heal. The change is sometimes dramatic, but most of the time it is a very gradual change. more...

The Mercury Chelation Controversy – Part 1

There is constant controversy on the net over which mercury removal agents and protocols are best. In the following hypothetical conversion, I tried to give you a slight feel for the passionate arguments that are freely flowing on the net. more...

Intestinal Health and Raw Foods

I know a lot of you are fans of Dr. Mercola. He is an advocate of using raw egg yolks in the diet. However, he is not a big fan of raw egg whites. Raw egg whites interfere with the absorption of biotin. With our intestinal difficulties, we are probably very low on biotin already. more...

Health And Aluminum

I have high aluminum levels according to my hair analysis. Yet, I don’t drink beverages out of aluminum cans, and I don’ t use aluminum foil in cooking, and I don’t take antacids. The only source I can think of is the aluminum pressure-cooker that mom used to cook with everyday when I was a kid. more...