The Mercury Chelation Controversy – Part 1

Polly: There is constant controversy on the net over which mercury removal agents and protocols are best. In the following hypothetical conversion, I tried to give you a slight feel for the passionate arguments that are freely flowing on the net. Don’ t worry if your head spins after reading this hypothetical example. It is very contradictory and serves to show how much we really don’ t know.

DMPS or DMSA made me well. I had no problem with it.

I was on death’ s doorstep after using DMPS or DMSA. Much more harm than good came of it. Recovery is slow if at all. Don’ t use those drugs. They are both extremely dangerous. They will damage your kidneys and your sulfoxidation system. Your sulfoxidation system is already pretty weak if you have had a mercury exposure for a long period. I can no longer tolerate any sulfur foods.

You should have had your reaction treated with an intravenous vitamin C drip as soon as possible. In fact, all patients should be getting vitamin C drips as a matter of protocol in order to help eliminate even the mild reactions. Keep your urine alkaline too.

The vitamin C drip didn’ t help me with my backfire to DMPS or DMSA.

Then perhaps adding glutathione would have helped with the reaction. Also, you should have checked your glutathione levels before you even attempted the chelators.

Don’ t add glutathione! It is true that glutathione is an antioxidant like vitamin C, but glutathione will move mercury around. Moving the mercury around without a true chelator will just cause more damage.

What are you talking about? Glutathione not only protects you from adverse reactions to moving mercury around, but glutathione is the safest agent for chelation! We should be using glutathione and all the other substances that help the body increase glutathione levels, such as: whey, cysteine, cystine, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, glutathione-S-glycoside, SAMe, glutamine, glycine, and milk thistle.

No, you are wrong. Don’ t use glutathione or anything that contains cysteine. These are harmful because they are not true chelators. They do not grip the mercury tight enough. They will pick up the mercury and hold it only for a short while before allowing the mercury to redeposit. It is the moving around and redepositing that causes much of the damage.

Not true! Gl utathione does grip the mercury tightly.

No it doesn’t. It is not a true chelator. If you want to increase cellular glutathione levels at the time of chelation, use a supplement of glycine, not glutathione.

Use lipoic acid. It naturally increases glutathione levels, and it is a true chelator.

Lipoic acid is not a true chelator! However, it does loosen a lot of metals. Therefore it is just as dangerous as those chemical chelators, DMPS and DMSA. In fact it may be more dangerous.

If you use the lipoic acid properly, it is not dangerous. Use it in very small doses every three or four hours, day and night for several days. By dividing the dose throughout the day, you keep the mercury moving out of the body instead of allowing it time to redeposit. Use this protocol in treatment campaigns of several days in a row to minimize the amount of mercury redeposited. Then give yourself a break from use. Allow your body time to renormalize its mineral balance before starting the lipoic acid again. To reduce symptoms, you can add DMPS or DMSA in divided doses to this protocol.

I don’ t care how you spread out the dose. Lipoic acid, DMPS and DMSA are all dangerous! You are both wrong. You don’ t have to spread out the dose. DMPS and DMSA aren’ t that dangerous. I’ ve never seen an adverse reaction. In fact, I use DMPS or DMSA challenges all the time on my patients. One challenge with the chelators DMPS or DMSA won’ t do any harm. We use this challenge as a test to see if you are mercury poisoned. We can also use the amount of mercury excreted in the urine after this test to gauge how much chelator to administer the next time.

One challenge with DMPS or DMSA is very dangerous. You don’ t know how much mercury will be released or what the reaction from the body will be. Heck, you don’ t even know which metals are going to come out first. The amount excreted has very little to do with how much to expect the next time. This varies greatly. What is the purpose of the challenge anyway? Just to prove there is a problem to the insurance companies? Doctors should check the biological markers for mercury poisoning instead.

If you need to prove to your insurance company that you are poisoned, you can do so with a modified challenge, which is much safer. The modified challenge would use the same agents, but only at much lower concentrations. Keep the concentration of these drugs down by administrating them in small divided doses throughout the day and night. If you excrete more mercury during this modified challenge, then it shows there is a problem.

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