Gregg Braden on Coronavirus

Gregg Braden on Coronavirus

Gregg Braden is not a doctor and is not providing medical advice whatsoever so please contact your heath care provider regarding adding any supplements or changes to your diet, exercises or life choices. We’re living a new reality–a new and evolving normal that has been triggered by the world-wide pandemic of 2020. I’ve built this […] more...

How to Fight Viruses

Dr. Steven Gundry

Dr. Gundry is a multi-time New York Times bestselling author. His most recent book, The Longevity Paradox, teaches readers to maximize health by maintaining a healthy microbiome. more...

What is the Fourth Phase of Water?

University of Washington Bioengineering Professor Gerald Pollack

We are in the dark about water and so is science. University of Washington Bioengineering Professor Gerald Pollack answers the question; What is the Fourth Phase of Water? It intrigues us to consider the implications of his finding. Not all water is H2O, not what you may have learned from textbooks. more...

Alkaline Hype and Myth

Medical Expert James Sloan

Alkaline water is generally not good for drinking. Learn the truth about alkaline hype and why acids are good. In fact acids and alkalines work together to promote good health. – Markus Rothkranz interviews medical expert James Sloane How does the body respond to alkalines? Dr. Peter Glidden discusses healthy pH balance and how the […] more...

Introduction to PaidaLajin

Intorduction to PaidaLajin by Donald Wong

PaidaLajin means Paida (patting and slapping body areas) & stretching (Lajing). It is used successfully for many diseases and helps improve health naturally and holistically. PaidaLajincan helps you relieve or even self-heal pains and diseases without the worry of side effects and you can also enhance your energy. more...