Which Dental Materials are Safe?

Jane: My dentist suggests the Clifford blood test to check for biocompatibility of the composite or porcelain materials. (phone 719-550-0008, website, http://www.ccrlab.com) This identifies antibodies to substances in fillings you have reacted to in the past. Then, he suggests either muscle testing or the Vega electrodermal machine to find out what your body reacts to presently. However, I do not believe in nor have I had success with the electrodermal machine/muscle testing for me. My dentist also has small amounts of materials you can hold in your mouth to see if it affects you.

There is a lymphocyte bio-compatibility test, which I’m thinking of doing. It measures lymphocytes before fillings are put in and a couple weeks later. If there is a drop in the number of viable lymphocytes, the filling material may be negatively affecting or straining the immune system. Take a look at the CFS Metals Site by Jeff Clark for more information on that lymphocyte test, or see http://www.melisa.org. The test cannot, of course, tell what materials you may become sensitive to in the future due to exposure. There are several labs around the world that do this test. In the US, you can obtain testing by contacting Neuromed and Neurotox Associates, phone 1-818 -865- 1858.

Mr. Generic: Serum Biocompatibility Testing is also available through Peak Energy Performance, Inc., http://www.peakenergy.com, phone 719-548-1600 or 800-331-2303.

Polly: Some dentists will use gold on the back teeth, and others will build up layers of ceramic on these teeth. The ceramic should generally give you less allergy problems if metal isn’t used with it as a support. Gold generally has many other metals mixed in with it. Also, gold could act as a conductor of unwanted electrical currents in the mouth. For the smaller cavities, I think composites/resins are a better idea than mercury. However, I’ ve heard of one drawback to the resins/composites. As the resins dry, or wear off, they emit bisphenol, a pseudo-estrogen material. [1] Many dentists coat children’ s back teeth with this resin, a practice that is not entirely without risk.

Two years later: Shelley is doing quite well. After doing some chelation, she did some work to get rid of infections in her jaw and she also took a blood thinner to improve circulation. She said that two things have made a world of difference— getting ozone shots into her jaw cavitations and using Heparin to thin her blood.

If you are wondering if you have a cavitation, a panoramic x-ray might find one. Also there is a new instrument called a CAVITAT. It is an ultrasound device designed to look at the density of jaw bones. Unfortunately, you can’ t be a 100% sure that lower bone density means an infection is present. However, for Shelley, the CAVITAT and x-rays show that the density of her jaw bone is slowly returning to normal with the ozone treatments. For information on CAVITAT phone (303) 755-2688 or go to this website: http://www.dentalhelp.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cav itatloc

There are some dentists that think the alignment of the jaw is very important to health. Especially, the back teeth may have to be elongated to release the neck tension and to reduce the pressure on the front teeth. If you think this might be your problem, first get a prosthetic that raises the height of the back teeth, and test out your body’ s reaction to this before having your natural teeth built up.

references 1. Raloff, J. “ Estrogenic agents leach from dental sealant,” Science News, Vol. 149, April 6, 1996

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