Polly: Dr. Cheney feels that increasing glutathione levels is key to the recovery of his chronic fatigue patients. At one time he was using glutathione supplements, but later he found that undenatured whey, which increases glutathione levels, was better tolerated by many of his patients. (For more detail, see the section on oxygen in the […] more...
About Amino Acids
The amino acids in your body must be kept in balance for best health. Unfortunately, long-term dysbiosis and toxins like mercury can throw off your amino acid balance. Treatments with amino acids can be quite beneficial. Yet, approach these treatments with caution. more...
Does Intestinal Inflammation cause a lack of Sulfates?
Rosemary Waring, MD, of the University of Birmingham, England discovered that many of the autistic children (also ADHD and ADD children) have either a defect in an enzyme called phenol-sulfo-transferase or they have a lack of sulfates which this enzyme requires. Mercury poisoning impairs the kidney’s ability to retain sulfates, and therefore mercury poisoning may be one of the causes of this problem. more...
Intestinal Irritation And Seizures
All too often, seizures are a topic on the Internet autism lists. Part of the problem may be the intestinal irritation that is so prevalent in autism. The Meridian Institute has shown that epileptic seizures can be due to adhesions in the lymphatic ducts surrounding the intestine. more...
Poor Stomach Acid Can Lead To Serious Disorders
My symptoms are burping, stomach bloating, my stomach upsets easily and I tend to be constipated. I take antacids for the symptoms but do not get much relief. Do you have any ideas to help my digestion? It sounds like you may have poor stomach output of hydrochloric acid, known as hypochlorhydria. more...
Fibromyalgia And Thyroid Level
Correcting the level of thyroid in the body is one of the most effective means of treating fibromyalgia. Dr. John Lowe estimates that about 90% of the people with fibromyalgia have a problem with low thyroid. If your doctor relies only on the usual thyroid blood tests, he may miss your hypothyroidism. more...
Fibromyalgia and Serotonin
In the case in fibromyalgia a mishandling of serotonin plays a part in creating the insomnia, fatigue, fibro-fog, pain and depression of fibromyalgia. Serotonin is important for initiating sleep and adapting to stressful situations. It also gives us an ability to cope with depression. However, sometimes serotonin does just the opposite to us. more...
About Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is characterized by insomnia, fatigue and generalized joint or muscle pain. The disorder is diagnosed by noting the number of painful “tender points” on neck, shoulders, back, legs, elbows, and knees. Headaches, migraines, depression, chemical sensitivity, intestinal irritation, numbness, tingling and a heightened sensitivity to stimuli are very common. more...
About Taurine
I started taking taurine and my hands returned to normal within a few days. I never did figure out what was bothering me. I ran out of taurine recently and the joint pain came back full force. I wouldn’ t be without my taurine. more...
How to Test Your Stomach Acid Level
What is the test for low stomach acid? I suspect this may be one of my problems and want to check it out. One of my doctors suggested that I just try a little hydrochloric acid (HCL) and see if it made me feel better after a meal. more...
About Hyperthyroidism
I’ve heard of doctors giving patients just enough thyroid so that the test results barely creep into the “normal” range, even though the patient is still exhibiting many hypothyroid symptoms. That is unacceptable treatment. A person deserves to feel well. more...
Introduction to PaidaLajin
PaidaLajin means Paida (patting and slapping body areas) & stretching (Lajing). It is used successfully for many diseases and helps improve health naturally and holistically. PaidaLajincan helps you relieve or even self-heal pains and diseases without the worry of side effects and you can also enhance your energy. more...