Last year I was diagnosed with clinical depression. Of course I was given an antidepressant which has a side effect of anxiety. An anti-anxiety drug was prescribed to balance the side effect. more...
Hope For Autism Through Nutrition
For parents of the autistic, this chapter may serve as an introduction to the many biological aspects of autism that are being discussed on the Internet. For those of us who have attention deficit, the yeast syndrome, fibromyalgia, or mercury poisoning, this chapter may give some insight into our own situation. more...
Carnitine And Seizures
Polly: Carnitine transports long-chain fatty acids into the cell mitochondrion so that they can be burned. Often it is prescribed to help burn off the very long chain fatty acids that accumulate in certain diseases, including some cases of autism. Symptoms of carnitine deficiency are poor muscle tone, problems walking and severe hypoglycemia. Sharon: An […] more...
Epsom Salt Baths
The usual Epsom Salt bath recommendation is to use a cup of Epsom Salts in a hot bath and soak for 20 minutes. Rinse off afterwards. Do this perhaps once a week. Be careful to drink plenty of liquids. If you are quite ill, be particularly careful about the amount of Epsom salts that you try and be careful about how long the bath is. more...
Mercury And Multiple Sclerosis
I know people through cyberspace that have made great gains in recovering from mercury poisoning. One person was in a very bad way, in a wheelchair and unable to do anything for herself. Like me she had a diagnosis of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. more...
Mercury Poisoning
A friend of mine, who is also a dentist, got exposed to mercury while handling a defective batch of amalgam. He started having night sweats, depression, anxiety, and his blood pressure and heart rate would become uncontrollable at times. more...
Mercury and Acetylcholine
Besides getting rid of the mercury and yeast, what else can you do to improve acetylcholine levels? You won’ t find acetylcholine in a vitamin shop, but you will find several substances that can improve acetylcholine levels. more...
Zinc And Copper Balancing
Zinc is a very important nutrient, but zinc can decrease copper, iron, manganese and molybdenum levels. In particular, be careful of balancing zinc with copper. Maureen Salaman warns that both zinc and copper need each other in order to be properly absorbed. more...
About Zinc And Iron
Zinc is very important for the health of the intestines, lungs, and skin. It has been a big help to some people with dysbiosis. Perhaps compared to the rest of the population, many of us are relatively low in zinc. Hypothyroidism, estrogen dominance, and mercury poisoning, which many of us have, will tend to cause zinc deficiency. more...
About Molybdenum
Molybdenum is needed to remove acetylaldehyde, a yeast toxin that is suspected of contributing to the brain fog. Perhaps this is why it helped you. more...
About Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is extremely important for recovery from stroke. People that are more likely to have a low level of coenzyme Q10 are the elderly, cancer patients, surgical patients, HIV patients, people taking cholesterol blockers, and people with poor nutrient status. more...
About Biotin
Biotin helps to prevent Candida Albicans from transforming from yeast to fungal form and is created by normal flora in the intestinal tract which are most likely suppressed in the case of a Candida Albicans Overgrowth. more...